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Stilton Cheese

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Stilton Cheese

Stilton is an English cheese, produced in two varieties: Blue known for its characteristic strong smell and taste, and the lesser-known White.

Stilton cheese Pairs With:
Food Item
Flavor Affinity Level
Stilton cheese Properties:
Food Property Type Description
Texture Creaminess Stilton cheese has a creamy texture that melts in your mouth.
Color Natural Pigments Stilton cheese has a natural white color with blue veins throughout.
Aroma Volatile Compounds Stilton cheese has a strong and distinct aroma due to volatile compounds.
Chemical Composition Acidity/Alkalinity (pH) Stilton cheese has a slightly acidic pH level.
Cooking Behavior Heat Conductivity Stilton cheese melts easily when heated.
Water Retention Stilton cheese retains moisture well when cooked.
Oil Absorption Stilton cheese absorbs oil when fried or cooked in oil.

Food Pairing App - Version 1.2.0