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Honey is a naturally sweet syrup made from flower nectar and produced by bees. Honey has been used as a sweetener and home remedy for coughs and allergies for centuries.

Did you know there are 357 food flavor pairings in my database for Honey available. What you are seeing above is a random list of 30 items which pair with Honey. For the entire list, beautifully formatted, enter your email address and click the download button below, then I'll email it to you as a PDF.

Honey Properties:
Food Property Type Description
Flavor Profile Sweet Honey is known for its natural sweetness, making it a popular alternative to sugar in recipes.
Nutritional Value Macronutrients Honey contains carbohydrates, primarily in the form of sugars, which provide energy.
Micronutrients Honey contains small amounts of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C and potassium.
Color Natural Pigments Honey can range in color from light golden to dark amber, depending on the source of the nectar.
Aroma Volatile Compounds Honey has a distinct floral aroma, which can vary depending on the types of flowers the bees visit.
Chemical Composition Water Activity (aw) Honey has a low water activity, which helps inhibit the growth of spoilage microorganisms.
Cooking Behavior Heat Conductivity Honey conducts heat well and can be used as a natural sweetener in cooking and baking.
Water Retention Honey can help retain moisture in baked goods, making them tender and moist.

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