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Young Pine Bark

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Young Pine Bark

Pines are conifer trees in the genus Pinus /ˈpiːnuːs/, in the family Pinaceae.

Young pine bark Properties:
Food Property Type Description
Flavor Profile Bitter Young pine bark has a slightly bitter taste due to the presence of tannins.
Texture Dryness Young pine bark is dry and fibrous in texture.
Nutritional Value Fiber Young pine bark is a good source of dietary fiber.
Color Natural Pigments Young pine bark has a natural brown color.
Aroma Essential Oils Young pine bark has a subtle woody aroma.
Chemical Composition Water Activity (aw) Young pine bark has low water activity.
Cooking Behavior Heat Conductivity Young pine bark does not conduct heat well and is not suitable for cooking.
Water Retention Young pine bark does not retain water well when cooked.
Oil Absorption Young pine bark does not absorb oil when cooked.

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