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White Rum

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White Rum

Light rums, also referred to as "silver" or "white" rums, in general, have very little flavor aside from a general sweetness. Light rums are sometimes filtered after aging to remove any color. The Brazilian cachaça is generally this type, but some varieties are more akin to "gold rums". The majority of light rums come from Puerto Rico. Their milder flavors make them popular for use in mixed drinks, as opposed to drinking them straight.

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White rum Properties:
Food Property Type Description
Flavor Profile Sweet White rum has a sweet flavor profile due to the presence of sugars from the sugarcane used in fermentation and distillation process.
Sour White rum may have a subtle sour note, depending on the specific production methods and aging process.
Texture Moisture White rum is a liquid with a low moisture content due to the distillation process.
Aroma Volatile Compounds White rum has distinct volatile compounds that contribute to its aroma, such as esters, aldehydes, and ketones.
Chemical Composition Acidity/Alkalinity (pH) White rum typically has a slightly acidic pH level.

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