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Smoked Bacon

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Smoked Bacon

There are some jobs of smoked pork, such as ham (black forest ham) and bacon. You can also be smoked chops.

Smoked bacon Properties:
Food Property Type Description
Flavor Profile Salty Smoked bacon has a salty taste due to the salt used in the curing process.
Umami Smoked bacon has a rich umami flavor due to the presence of glutamate in the meat.
Texture Firmness Smoked bacon has a firm texture when cooked, with a crispy exterior and tender interior.
Nutritional Value Macronutrients Smoked bacon is high in protein and fat, with a moderate amount of carbohydrates.
Micronutrients Smoked bacon is a good source of vitamins and minerals such as B vitamins and iron.
Color Maillard Reaction Smoked bacon has a brown color on the surface due to the Maillard reaction during the smoking process.
Aroma Volatile Compounds Smoked bacon has a smoky aroma due to the volatile compounds released during the smoking process.
Chemical Composition Water Activity (aw) Smoked bacon has a low water activity, which helps preserve the meat and prevent bacterial growth.
Cooking Behavior Heat Conductivity Smoked bacon cooks quickly and evenly due to its high heat conductivity.
Oil Absorption Smoked bacon absorbs oil during cooking, adding flavor and moisture to the meat.

Food Pairing App - Version 1.2.0