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Crystallized Ginger

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Crystallized Ginger

Candied ginger, or crystallized ginger, is the root cooked in sugar until soft, and is a type of confectionery.

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Crystallized ginger Properties:
Food Property Type Description
Flavor Profile Sweet Crystallized ginger has a sweet flavor profile due to the addition of sugar during the crystallization process.
Spiciness Crystallized ginger has a spicy flavor profile due to the natural spiciness of ginger.
Texture Crispiness/Crunchiness Crystallized ginger has a crunchy texture from the crystallized sugar coating.
Nutritional Value Fiber Crystallized ginger contains dietary fiber which can aid in digestion.
Aroma Volatile Compounds Crystallized ginger has a strong aroma due to the presence of volatile compounds found in ginger.
Color Natural Pigments Crystallized ginger may have a slightly yellowish color from the natural pigments present in ginger.
Cooking Behavior Water Retention Crystallized ginger retains moisture well when cooked or baked in recipes.
Chemical Composition Acidity/Alkalinity (pH) Crystallized ginger may have a slightly acidic pH level due to the natural acidity of ginger.

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