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Ham Bone

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Ham Bone

The ham bone is considered in some cuisines , such as Spanish as a culinary ingredient. It is considered as bone hind legs of pork and consist of the innominate bones (also known as " bone bridge" ) , femur, tibia and fibula, tarsus, metatarsus and falangianos bone and muscle mass that surrounds them, vessels , others. Each leg nerves and usually between 5% and 10% of its weight in bone. Often it used in the preparation of the most diverse cooked , because of the distinctive flavor that gives the wines their marrow . Usually its consumed soon because it has the ability to get stale .

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Ham bone Properties:
Food Property Type Description
Flavor Profile Umami A savory and meaty taste often found in aged and fermented foods.
Texture Firmness The ham bone is usually firm and dense, with some meat still attached.
Nutritional Value Macronutrients The ham bone contains protein and fat, with minimal carbohydrates.
Color Maillard Reaction The surface of the ham bone may have a browned, caramelized color due to the Maillard reaction during cooking.
Aroma Volatile Compounds The ham bone may have a rich, meaty aroma when cooked.
Cooking Behavior Heat Conductivity The ham bone may retain heat well and take longer to cool down after cooking.

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