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Tomato Paste

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Tomato Paste

tomato paste

Did you know there are 165 food flavor pairings in my database for Tomato Paste available. What you are seeing above is a random list of 30 items which pair with Tomato Paste. For the entire list, beautifully formatted, enter your email address and click the download button below, then I'll email it to you as a PDF.

Tomato paste Properties:
Food Property Type Description
Flavor Profile Sweet Tomato paste has a slight natural sweetness due to the natural sugars present in tomatoes.
Sour Tomato paste has a pronounced sourness due to the high acidity of tomatoes.
Umami Tomato paste has a rich umami flavor, adding depth and savoriness to dishes.
Texture Firmness Tomato paste is typically smooth and firm in texture, with a thick consistency.
Nutritional Value Macronutrients Tomato paste is a good source of carbohydrates and fiber, with a moderate amount of protein.
Micronutrients Tomato paste is rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin C, potassium, and lycopene.
Fiber Tomato paste contains a good amount of dietary fiber, which is beneficial for digestion.
Color Natural Pigments Tomato paste is deep red in color due to the natural pigments, such as lycopene, present in tomatoes.
Aroma Volatile Compounds Tomato paste has a strong, savory aroma with hints of sweetness and acidity.
Chemical Composition Acidity/Alkalinity (pH) Tomato paste has a low pH value, making it acidic in nature.
Cooking Behavior Heat Conductivity Tomato paste conducts heat well and is often used as a base for sauces and soups.
Water Retention Tomato paste has the ability to retain moisture when cooked, adding richness to dishes.

Food Pairing App - Version 1.2.0