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Balsamic Caramel Toffees

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Balsamic Caramel Toffees

Toffee is a candy made by caramelizing sugar or molasses (creating inverted sugar) along with butter, and occasionally flour. The mixture is heated until its temperature reaches the hard crack stage of 149 to 154 °C (300 to 310 °F). While being prepared, toffee is sometimes mixed with nuts or raisins.

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Balsamic caramel toffees Properties:
Food Property Type Description
Flavor Profile Sweet These toffees have a sweet taste due to the caramelization of sugar and the addition of balsamic vinegar.
Bitter There may be a slight bitter undertone from the balsamic vinegar used in the recipe.
Nutritional Value Macronutrients These toffees are high in carbohydrates and fats due to the sugar and cream content.
Micronutrients There may be small amounts of micronutrients present from the balsamic vinegar used in the recipe.
Color Caramelization The toffees have a brown color from the caramelization of sugar during the cooking process.
Aroma Volatile Compounds Balsamic caramel toffees have a rich aroma from the caramelized sugar and balsamic vinegar used in the recipe.

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