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Macadamia Nuts

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Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia género que contiene ocho especies de plantas con flor de la familia de las proteáceas. Su área de distribución se limita al este de Australia (siete especies), Nueva Caledonia (especie M. neurophylla) e Indonesia, Célebes (especie M. hildebrandii)

Did you know there are 88 food flavor pairings in my database for Macadamia Nuts available. What you are seeing above is a random list of 30 items which pair with Macadamia Nuts. For the entire list, beautifully formatted, enter your email address and click the download button below, then I'll email it to you as a PDF.

Macadamia Nuts Properties:
Food Property Type Description
Flavor Profile Sweet Macadamia nuts have a subtle sweetness.
Texture Crispiness/Crunchiness Macadamia nuts are known for their crisp and crunchy texture.
Nutritional Value Macronutrients Macadamia nuts are high in healthy fats, particularly monounsaturated fats.
Fiber Macadamia nuts are a good source of dietary fiber.
Micronutrients Macadamia nuts contain various micronutrients like vitamin B1, magnesium, and manganese.
Color Natural Pigments Macadamia nuts have a creamy white color when shelled.
Aroma Volatile Compounds Macadamia nuts have a rich and nutty aroma when roasted.

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