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A prune is any of various plum cultivars, mostly Prunus domestica or European Plum, sold as fresh or dried fruit. The dried fruit is also referred to as a dried plum. In general, fresh prunes are freestone cultivars (the pit is easy to remove), whereas most other plums grown for fresh consumption are clingstone (the pit is more difficult to remove).

Did you know there are 101 food flavor pairings in my database for Prunes available. What you are seeing above is a random list of 30 items which pair with Prunes. For the entire list, beautifully formatted, enter your email address and click the download button below, then I'll email it to you as a PDF.

Prunes Properties:
Food Property Type Description
Flavor Profile Sweet Prunes have a naturally sweet flavor.
Sour Prunes can have a slightly sour undertone.
Astringency Prunes have a slight astringent taste due to their high tannin content.
Texture Moisture Prunes are moist and have a chewy texture.
Nutritional Value Fiber Prunes are high in dietary fiber.
Micronutrients Prunes are a good source of various vitamins and minerals.
Color Natural Pigments Prunes have a deep, dark purple color due to natural pigments.
Aroma Volatile Compounds Prunes have a sweet and fruity aroma.

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