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While the zucchini is considered to be one of the most prolific vegetables in any garden, it is actually, from a botanical viewpoint, a fruit. They are a member of the squash family and can be used in breads, cakes, and in soups, stews, and stir fries.

Did you know there are 163 food flavor pairings in my database for Zucchini available. What you are seeing above is a random list of 30 items which pair with Zucchini. For the entire list, beautifully formatted, enter your email address and click the download button below, then I'll email it to you as a PDF.

Zucchini Properties:
Food Property Type Description
Flavor Profile Sweet Zucchini has a mild sweet flavor.
Bitter Zucchini can have a slightly bitter taste, especially in the skin.
Texture Firmness Zucchini is firm when raw but softens when cooked.
Moisture Zucchini has a high moisture content.
Nutritional Value Micronutrients Zucchini is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin K, and potassium.
Fiber Zucchini is high in dietary fiber.
Color Natural Pigments Zucchini has a vibrant green color due to chlorophyll.
Aroma Volatile Compounds Zucchini has a mild, fresh aroma when raw.
Chemical Composition Water Activity (aw) Zucchini has a high water activity level.
Cooking Behavior Heat Conductivity Zucchini cooks quickly due to its high water content.
Water Retention Zucchini retains moisture well during cooking.

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